Best Cheapest Car Insurance in Michigan

Car insurance is expensive. And Michigan has one of the highest auto coverage payments in the US. Its residents are paying at least $200 more per month than the national average. The rates are more than what Alaskans, New Yorkers, and Californians are paying. Also, the somewhat aggressive no-fault rules in Michigan continue to maintain premiums at their peak. These stats can pose a challenge if you’re trying to find the cheapest car insurance in Michigan.

Does that mean you should settle for incredibly high insurance premiums? Certainly not! You could knock a sizeable chunk of balance off your monthly payments with a little effort. You can start by comparing multiple car insurance quotes Michigan insurers have on their websites. These should give you insights on the most affordable insurance companies out there. It’s why those who shop around tend to get supreme insurance deals. And you’ll obviously have to do your homework to obtain a list of competitive Michigan quotes.

Even so, the cheapest insurers won’t have a standard rate for every customer. Costs often vary based on the company band shopping around should help you escape the steepest rates. Each Michigan insurance company considers various factors when calculating your rates. For example, they’ll look at the value of your car, your credit history, and driving record. So, whether you get the lowest premiums or very cheap no deposit car insurance will depend on your qualifications. To help you save as much as possible, we compiled thirteen quotes from the biggest Michigan auto insurers and settled on the five cheapest options for different driver categories.

Cheapest Car Insurance In Michigan: Options For 8 Driver Types

Michigan, with some twelve other states, has a no-fault car insurance rule. The regulation requires Michigander drivers to have personal insurance protection to compensate losses using their own coverage, irrespective of the party at fault in an incident. While this regulation helps to keep civil courts free of claims suits, it keeps Michigan car insurance rates at their highest. That’s why our research and findings cater to the needs of up to eight different driver types, including:

  1. Good credit with an excellent driving record
  2. Minimum coverage features
  3. Clean driving record and poor credit
  4. Single at fault incidences
  5. Driving Under Influence record
  6. Speeding Ticket
  7. Couples and Families
  8. Young Drivers

Read on to see who has the best cheapest car insurance in Michigan for the above categories.

Good credit with an excellent driving record

Unquestionable driving history and good credit ratings can get you the cheapest car insurance in Michigan, including:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto Club Group Auto Insurance$1,929
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$1,943
Geico Auto Insurance$1,206
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,708
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,596

The table represents the cheapest premium rates for an average forty-year-old man or woman with no violations or recent accidents. A large percentage of Michiganders fit this category, which involves:

  • Full auto coverage
  • Comprehensive and collision features
  • All state-specific coverage

Low-Cost Option for Minimum Coverage

If you are looking for a bare-bones insurance line, these are the most affordable providers for drivers in Michigan:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Auto Insurance$959
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$887
Geico Auto Insurance$677
Meemic Auto Insurance$909
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$739

The statistics represent average prices for an excellent forty-year-old driver, which comes with a discount if the company provides one. Also, these rates are only for minimum mandatory coverage in Michigan.

We don’t recommend this type of basic insurance because it may not cover all the costs of a car accident. But it is better than not having one, mainly if you can’t afford higher policies. Even so, you should still obtain a minimum of three quotes if you want the cheapest possible auto insurance.

Most Affordable for Great Drivers with Low Credit

Michiganders with poor credit and excellent driving histories can avail of these cheapest carriers:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Auto Insurance$3,374
Esurance Auto Insurance$4,034
Geico Auto Insurance$1,896
Meemic Auto Insurance$2,863
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$2,319

Best Rates for At-Fault Incidences

If you have a new at-fault incident, consider one of these carriers for the cheapest annual premiums:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$2,457
Geico Auto Insurance$2,345
Meemic Auto Insurance$2,309
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,718
State Farm Auto Insurance$2,886

Some car insurance companies apply higher fees even for a minor crash. We used premium averages for a forty-year-old with a typical full auto protection policy, plus one fresh at-fault accident valued at $10,000 in property damage.

After causing an accident or getting flagged for a moving violation, expect your rates to stay high for between 3 and 5 years. Also, some insurers, including those we’ve listed may still reject your application for coverage. So, if you are in this category, make sure you shop for new insurance premiums right after the infraction period.

Cheapest Rates for Driving Under Influence

For a recent DUI booking, you can get these low-cost insurers:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Insurance$4,609
Esurance Auto Insurance$3,101
Meemic Auto Insurance$3,706
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,596
Progressive Auto Insurance$2,599

No driver wants a record for driving under the influence since it usually results in increased car insurance premiums. We reviewed full coverage auto policies for forty-year-old drivers with a DUI conviction to determine the cheapest car insurance in Michigan. Keep in mind that even the companies on our list can deny you coverage. Besides, prices can differ by hundreds of dollars between insurers after a DUI conviction. Some providers have more extended penalties than others. Therefore, it’s vital to shop around for the best possible offer the moment you notice higher rates and subsequent years after that.

Best Prices with a Speeding Ticket

Drivers in Michigan with a speeding ticket should consider one of these carriers for the best premium rates:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$2,857
Geico Auto Insurance$1,786
Meemic Auto Insurance$2,523
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,657
Progressive Auto Insurance$2,880

The last thing you want in Michigan is a speeding ticket. Not only does it affect your driving record, but it will also inflate car insurance rates. Above are average premium calculations for a forty-year-old driver with a complete coverage policy and a speeding ticket of sixteen mph over the limit. While these were the cheapest insurers we could get, you may find more affordable options if you obtain at least three quotes before choosing your carrier.

Couples and Families

Families with multiple drivers usually have different auto coverage rates from singles. And that was the case for the cheapest car insurance in Michigan for families and couples. Keep in mind that insurers different perspectives when it comes to personal factors. We recommend that you shop around for quotes, especially after significant life changes such as adding a teen driver, getting married, or moving.

Most Affordable Rates for Married Couples

A married couple, both fifty years old of age, with excellent credit and good driving records, can get these cheapest auto cover companies in Michigan:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Esurance Auto Insurance$2,929
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$3,105
Geico Auto Insurance$2,189
Meemic Auto Insurance$2,453
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$2,970

A couple can save on vehicle indemnity by joining policies, regardless of their marital status. It is a sure way for them to earn multi-driver and multi-car discounts. After tying the knot, you can expect the rates to reduce further since insurers consider married people less risky drivers.

Most Affordable Rates for a Michigander Family with a Teen

Consider our fifty-year-old couple above, but now with an eighteen-year-old teen driver on their policy. The cheapest Michigan car insurance rates might include:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto Club Group Insurance$4,676
Auto-Owners Insurance$4,761
Geico Auto Insurance$3,319
Meemic Auto Insurance$3,976
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$4,161

Including a teenager with at least two-year driving experience on the policy of a married couple is going to cause a significant shoot in rates. Insurers have different opinions about a teen’s inexperience and will apply different rates for a family that adds a teen to its policy.

Low-Cost Premiums for Young Michigander Drivers

While each company uses the age factor differently in their rates, auto insurance can be costly for a young driver with less driving experience. It explains why the lowest prices for drivers in their twenties won’t match their more experienced counterparts. We reviewed the lowest costs for young twenty-five-year-old drivers to see who has the cheapest offers in Michigan.

Best Affordable Full Coverage for Young Drivers

If you are a twenty-five-year-old Michigan Driver with a good driving history and stellar credit, consider getting auto coverage from these best affordable insurers:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto Club Group Insurance$1,993
Auto-Owners Insurance$2,032
Geico Auto Insurance$1,220
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,795
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,847

You’ll have a hard time finding affordable vehicle insurance, which is even more difficult if you need full coverage. These rates represent collision and comprehensive protection, which is a must-have requirement for active car leases and loans. Young Michigander drivers should check multiple quotes, like other drivers do, to secure the cheapest options for the insurance they need.

Top Affordable Minimum Coverage for Young Drivers with Good Credentials

Any young Michigander driver with proper credentials like strong credit and a clean driving record should consider these providers for minimum possible auto insurance:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto Club Group Insurance$941
Auto-Owners Insurance$891
Geico Auto Insurance$681
Meemic Auto Insurance$885
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$782

Young people usually have fewer things to cover under liability insurance. It means they could land cheaper premiums, which is great news for this age group that comes with averagely higher insurance prices. The bare-bones auto coverage is your best chance of maintaining the lowest rates possible.

Cheapest Rates for Minimum Coverage with Poor Credit

Young drivers with poor credit scores can get away with the best affordable insurance from one of these providers:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Insurance$1,349
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$2,178
Geico Auto Insurance$1,003
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,815
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$1,053

It’s not uncommon for younger folks to have poor credit as they are still building their credit profiles. But that can cause an upsurge in insurance rates, which is why you must look around and compare several quotes to get the best affordable rates. These prices represent averages for a twenty-five-year-old with no violations on their record, earning them great driver discounts.

Top Affordable Minimum Coverage for Young Drivers After a Crash

If you’re a young driver with a new at-fault incident in Michigan, the cheapest insurers for minimum coverage include:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Insurance$1,308
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$1,372
Geico Auto Insurance$978
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,169
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$840

We used average rates for good credit twenty-five-year-old drivers in Michigan, who had a fresh at-fault incidence with property damage valued at $10,000. We all know that auto coverage is usually costlier after a crash, more so for young drivers. Keep in mind that some carriers, including those on our list, might deny you coverage, depending on your situation. So, be sure to shop around for cheaper insurance quotes after the 3rd and 5th years of your accident, since providers often lower their rates.

Best Low Cost Minimum Policy For Young Drivers After A DUI

Are you a twenty-five-year-old driver looking for the cheapest car insurance in Michigan after a recent DUI? You should consider these carriers for the best affordable minimum coverage:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Insurance$2,013
Esurance Auto Insurance$1,849
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,825
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$782
Progressive Auto Insurance$1,402

You must use due diligence to get the most affordable auto coverage rates, especially with a recent DUI on your records. Most insurers are likely to be expensive, and based on your circumstances; others might reject your application. However, you can spend time looking around for quotes, which will help you get away with the lowest possible rates. The rates here are for a young Michigander driver with stellar credit, which can help to reduce premium charges.

Lowest Minimum Policy For Young Drivers With A Ticket

A recent speeding ticket will cause insurance rates to jump, more so for a young twenty-five-year-old driver with less experience behind the wheel. Regardless, these are the cheapest carriers from which you could obtain quotes:

Insurance CompanyAnnual Average Premium (Inclusive of great driver discounts)
Auto-Owners Insurance$1,347
Frankenmuth Auto Insurance$1,499
Geico Auto Insurance$831
Meemic Auto Insurance$1,275
Pioneer State Auto Insurance$811

Your car insurance bills are likely to remain high for the next several months after you get a speeding ticket. It makes sense to start shopping around for pocket-friendly rates at that point. Also, consider repeating the looking around exercise after your 3rd and 5th ticket years, because it’s when companies begin to lower your rates.

Summary: Best Cheapest Car Insurance in Michigan

Here is a review of the cheapest car insurance in Michigan for the different driver types above:

Driver CategoryBest Affordable CarrierAnnual Average Rates
Young excellent driversGeico$1,220
With an at-fault crashPioneer State$1,718
With a speeding ticketPioneer State$1,657
With a DUI recordPioneer State$1,596
Poor creditGeico$1,896
Minimum coverageGeico$677
Married couplesGeico$2,189
Good driversGeico$1,206
Family with teen driversGeico$3,319
Essential cover for good young driversGeico$681
Basic cover for young drivers with low creditGeico$1,003
Minumum cover for young drivers with a ticketPioneer State$811
Basic protection for young drivers with a DUI recordPioneer State$782
Basic cover for young drivers after a crashPioneer State$840

Auto Insurance Basics

Each state provides regulations that govern the least requirements for auto coverage. However, all states follow a combination of these five coverage types when drawing their minimum requirements:

Type of CoverageWhat It Means
Uninsured Motorist Property DamageCovers your car’s damage costs if the at-fault motorist isn’t insured
Uninsured Motorist Bodily InjuryCovers you and your passengers’ injury bills if the at-fault motorist isn’t insured
Property Damage Liability or PDCovers another motorist’s car damage costs if you’re at-fault
Personal Injury Protection or PIPCovers medical bills in an accident plus other costs of an injury like lost income
Bodily Injury Liability or BICovers another person’s injuries when you cause an accident

Individual states have unique factors that define minimum requirements. But, all states save for Florida mandate motorists to have at least BI and PD coverages, which is the PLPD insurance Michigan law for Michiganders. It provides for third party property damage and bodily injuries but does not offer coverage for damages to your car during an accident.

Auto Insurance Requirements in Michigan

Michigan is among the thirteen no-fault states in America. So, car insurance has various exclusive regulations. Before deciding on the best cheapest car insurance in Michigan, you must be confident of your knowledge of what each coverage requires. Here are the minimum requirements for auto insurance in this state:

Type of coverageRequisite Coverage Fees
Uninsured motorist coveragesOptional
Property protection$1,000,000
Property damage liability per accident$10,000
Personal injury protection$500,000
Collision and comprehensiveOptional
Bodily injury liability per person$20,000
Bodily injury liability per accident$40,000

The Bottom Line

Residents in Michigan must have liability coverage, personal property insurance, or PPI, as well as personal injury protection or PIP. Also, as a no-fault state, finding the cheapest car insurance in Michigan can be a challenge to most customers. You can start with the bare minimum coverage if it’s all you can afford. But experts recommend purchasing more than the basic minimum insurance to prevent paying out of pocket for costs exceeding your policy limits.

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